C4D Course Content

Module CodeTitleDescriptionNumber of SessionsCredits
C4D 01JournalismConcepts of News, News Reporting, Writing, Editing, Agenda Setting and Public Opinion, Radio, Television, Basics of Documentary Making,5010
C4D 02Social Media and Digital MarketingSocial Media Platforms and their use for positive social change, Digital Marketing102
C4D 03Zero HourCurrent Affairs204
C4D 04Development with Emphasis on Indian ContextWhat is Development? Early theories and models, Contemporary theories and models, Approaches to development in India, Inclusive Development, Developmental Issues, Human Rights based approach to development, Human Rights, Migration.204
C4D 05Corporate Social ResponsibilityTheory, Perspectives, Laws and Case Studies of CSR102
C4D 06Human Development

Gender, Adolescence: Issues and Concern, Child Rights, Water Conservation and Conflicts, Water Justice, Marine Ecology, Ethnicity, Religion and Intolerance, Hate Crimes, Rights of Handicapped, RTE

Sustainable Development, SDGs

C4D 07Human Development and Ecology

Introduction: Ecological and Social Change, dissecting a-political ecologies, Eco-systems and balance

Political ecology and its intellectual genesis, Social Movements Theory, Agents of Social Change,

The broader context: Global Political Economy, Dissecting a-political ecologies: thinking about the roles of culture and choice, Environmental pollution and degradation, Institutions and Social Change: Green Revolution, White Revolution and Food Security, Environmental Ethics and Ethical Consumerism

Indigenous people, nomadic tribes, denotified tribes, Affirmative Action

C4D 08Qualitative and Quantitative ResearchThe socio-ecological model and situation analysis, Literature review, Formative research, Participatory research, Qualitative methods, Quantitative methods, Analysing and reporting data, Evaluation and research306
C4D 09Communication for Behavioural ChangePlanning models, Basic components of a strategy plan, Research, monitoring and evaluation plan, Strategy design plan, Implementation plan, establishing objectives at multiple levels, key steps leading to change, capacity strengthening, social mobilisation, Dialogue-based approaches, Communication Action Plan408
C4D 10Message DesignMessage design, formats, development, appeals, testing, production, Message appeals, Message formats153
C4D 11Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)Data Gathering Techniques, Data Analysis, Data Reporting102
C4D 12Gender IssuesWhat is Gender, Gender Issues, Gender Equality, Issues of Transgender, LGBTQ102
C4D 13Programme ManagementProposal Writing, Social Entrepreneurship, Resource Mobilisation, Managing Programmes and Budgets, Cost Benefit Analysis51
C4D 14Reporting Disasters/Working during DisastersTypes of Disasters, Natural Calamities, Diseases, Industrial Accidents, NDRF its formation and role, Reporting in such situations51
C4D 15Webinars/WorkshopsOn relevant issues306